Faculty Appointment and Promotion Processes

The Office of Faculty and Clinical Affairs is committed to help our faculty throughout the promotion process.

Fully Versus Partially Affiliated

What’s the difference?

Regular Faculty, Fully Affiliated

  1. Professor
  2. Associate Professor
  3. Assistant Professor
  4. Instructor

University professorships (1-4) are established and defined by the Board of Trustees. Other faculty ranks are described in the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Policy. A regular faculty member may also hold an administrative title, such as vice president, dean, or chair. The rank of senior instructor is available only at the Wright State University Lake Campus.

Voluntary Faculty, Partially Affiliated, Basic Department/Program

  1. Adjunct Professor
  2. Adjunct Associate Professor
  3. Adjunct Assistant Professor
  4. Adjunct Instructor

A partially affiliated member of the basic science faculty (1-4) who receives no remuneration from the School of Medicine.

Voluntary Faculty, Partially Affiliated, Clinical Department

  1. Clinical Professor
  2. Associate Clinical Professor
  3. Assistant Clinical Professor
  4. Clinical Instructor 

A partially affiliated member of the clinical science faculty (1-4) who receives no remuneration from the School of Medicine.

Summary of Boonshoft School of Medicine Faculty Appointments: Full Affiliation




Annually Renewable




Affiliated Institution




Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Research Assistant Professor

Employment contract

WSU continuing employment agreement

Employed by affiliated institution

WSU annually renewable contract

WSU annually renewable contract

The bottom line (quite literally) is: partially affiliated faculty do not have an employment contract with Wright State.

Initial Appointments

  1. Interested applicants will contact the department of their specialty and submit their curriculum vitae (CV) to the department coordinator and/or chair. 
  2. Department chair will review the CV and may meet with the applicant to determine any opportunities that would match with the applicant’s interest and specialty. 
  3. If there are no opportunities available, the chair will inform applicant to try again in the future. 
  4. If there are opportunities that match the applicant’s interest and specialty, the department coordinator or candidate (with the department chair or coordinator copied on the email) will inform the BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs via email at som_fca@wright.edu
  5. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will build out the submission window within Watermark. 
  6. The applicant will log in to Watermark Faculty Success and complete their submission.
  7. The department chair will complete a form detailing the duties/involvement to be performed by the applicant through the Watermark. 
  8. The application from the candidate and duties information from the chair will be forwarded to the Executive Committee through Watermark for consideration.
  9. Members of Executive Committee will review the documents and vote on the disposition at their next regularly scheduled meeting (monthly).
  10. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will record the disposition and adjust applicant status.
  11. The disposition will be reflected within the candidate’s Watermark account.
  12. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will communicate with WSU HR administrators to record, if necessary, the adjustments to the faculty information in Banner.

Promotion to Associate: Partially Affiliated Faculty

  1. See criteria in Policy 3B: Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion for Partially Affiliated Faculty
  2. Interested applicants will communicate with their department chair to determine whether they would support a promotion application.
  3. The department coordinator or candidate (with the department chair or coordinator copied on the email) will inform the BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs via email at som_fca@wright.edu. 
  4. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will build out the submission window within Watermark. 
  5. Information such as CV and relevant scholarship within the past reporting period will be uploaded to Watermark by the candidate.
  6. The candidate’s chair will respond in Watermark as to whether they endorse the appointment. 
  7. The application information from the candidate and chair disposition will be forwarded to the Executive Committee through Watermark for consideration.
  8. Members of Executive Committee will review the documents and vote on the disposition at their next regularly scheduled meeting (monthly).
  9. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will record the disposition and adjust applicant status. 
  10. The disposition will be reflected within the candidate’s Watermark account.
  11. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will communicate with WSU HR administrators to record, if necessary, the adjustments to the faculty information in Banner.

Promotion to Full: Partially Affiliated Faculty

  1. See criteria in Policy 3B: Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion for Partially Affiliated Faculty
  2. Interested applicants will communicate with their department chair to determine whether they would support a promotion application.
  3. The department coordinator or candidate (with the department chair or coordinator copied on the email) will inform the BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs via email at som_fca@wright.edu. 
  4. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will build out the submission window within Watermark. 
  5. Information such as CV and relevant scholarship within the past reporting period will be uploaded to Watermark by the candidate. 
  6. The applicant will also need to upload three peer letters of support into the Watermark submission window.
  7. The applicant’s chair will respond in Watermark as to whether they endorse the appointment. 
  8. The application from the candidate and chair disposition will be forwarded to the Executive Committee through Watermark for consideration.
  9. Members of Executive Committee will review the documents and vote on the disposition at their next regularly scheduled meeting (monthly).
  10. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will record the disposition and adjust applicant status.
  11. The disposition will be reflected within the candidate’s Watermark account.
  12. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will communicate with WSU HR administrators to record, if necessary, the adjustments to the faculty information in Banner.

Promotion for Fully Affiliated Faculty

See criteria in Policy 3A: Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion for Fully Affiliated Faculty

Promotion Workshop

Our office offers annual workshops that are open to faculty, departmental chairs, and departmental personnel who are involved in preparing promotion documents. An announcement of workshop dates will go out on the BSOM listserv generally after the first of the year.

Promotion Timeline

The provost's office sets the submission dates at the university level. Our office works within these deadlines to establish a timeline for faculty to prepare their promotion files.

Due Date


March 11, 2024 (Mon)

Deadline for candidate to initiate promotion and tenure process via a written request to the Department Chair, with a copy to the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee, and to submit suggested names of external reviewers to the chair of the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee
April 8, 2024 (Mon) Deadline for candidate to submit materials to be sent to the outside reviewers
August 14, 2024 (Mon) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee to send out request letters soliciting external review
September 3, 2024 (Tue) Deadline for candidate to submit to the Department Chair the complete Promotion & Tenure document and all materials described in Terms and Conditions
October 11, 2024 (Fri) Deadline for Department Promotion & Tenure Committee and Department Chair to complete review of promotion and tenure document for all candidates, for the Department Promotion & Tenure Committee’s recommendation and the Department Chair’s letter to be added to each candidate’s file, and for the Department Chair to notify each candidate of these additions
October 30, 2024 (Wed) Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 
November 12, 2024 (Tue) Deadline for Department Chair to submit promotion and tenure files to the Dean 
January 17, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for College Promotion and Tenure Committee and Dean to complete review of all promotion and tenure files, for the College Committee’s recommendation and the Dean’s letter to be added to each file, and for the Dean to notify each candidate of these additions 
January 17, 2025 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit a rebuttal 

February 7, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for Dean to submit promotion and tenure files to the Provost 
February 7, 2025 (Fri) Meeting of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee
February 24, 2025 (Mon) Deadline for the Provost to provide written notification to candidates of the decision and vote of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee 
March 7, 2025 (Fri) Deadline for candidate to notify the Provost and the AAUP-WSU of intent to file an appeal 

March 21, 2025 (Fri)

Deadline for candidate to submit an appeal and supporting documentation 


President presents candidates to Board of Trustees for approval

Promotion Document Preparation

Need help putting together a promotion document? Then you're in the right location for models and forms of required items for the document. If you don't see what you need, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Developement at som_fca@wright.edu.

Forms and Models

Using Watermark 

Steps to access Watermark for appointment and promotion processes

  1. The applicant will alert the BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs of the desire to apply for promotion or need a faculty appointment via email at som_fca@wright.edu (see previous slides). 
  2. The BSOM Office of Faculty Affairs will build in a submission window within Watermark. 
  3. The applicant will login to the Faculty Success system.
  4. The applicant will select Workflow in the black banner bar.
  5. Available submission windows will appear in the Inbox section. The applicant will select the hyperlinked title to access the relevant submission (i.e., BSOM Promotion, etc.)
  6. The applicant will answer questions within the submission window. 
  7. The applicant will upload relevant documents (i.e., CV, scholarship evidence, peer support letters).
  8. If completed submission window, the applicant can select “Actions” in the upper right-hand corner and “Submit to…”. If not ready, applicant can select “Save Draft” and return to the submission window when ready.

For questions contact:

Katherine Hertlein, Ph.D. 
702-280-6057 (mobile/text)

Theresa Cory
Faculty Affairs Coordinator