Bylaws of the Faculty of Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Section 1. Regular Meetings
The Faculty of Medicine shall meet annually in May in order to conduct the regular business of the faculty.
- A call of a regular meeting shall be made available to the faculty and include the designated date, time, place, and tentative agenda and shall be sent to each member of the Faculty of Medicine no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date of said meeting by the secretary of the faculty. Postponement of a faculty meeting shall require a notice of the meeting to be postponed and the call for the rescheduled meeting.
- At the annual meeting of the Faculty of Medicine, the order of business shall be: (1) approval of minutes; (2) special announcements; (3) introduction of new members of the faculty; (4) old and unfinished business; (5) reports of committees in order listed in Article V; (6) reports of special or ad hoc committees; (7) new business to be referred for deliberation by the appropriate committee; (8) adjournment.
Section 2. Secretary
A secretary of the Faculty of Medicine will be appointed by the Dean of Medicine and may be either a faculty member or an administrative employee.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Faculty of Medicine shall be called by the Dean of Medicine as deemed necessary provided that every effort be made to make the call of the meeting available to the members of the faculty not less than three (3) days in advance of the date of said special meeting.
- The Dean of Medicine, also, will call for a special meeting of the Faculty of Medicine upon written petition of twenty-five (25) members of the faculty.
- The call of the meeting shall state the date, time, place, and special purpose of the meeting.
- The order of business is limited to the special purpose stated in the call of the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Faculty of Medicine shall be those members of the faculty present providing the members of the Executive Committee shall not be greater than 50 percent of the attendees.
Section 5. Faculty Elections
The elections will be carried out in accordance with the appropriate School of Medicine procedure.
Section 6. Rules of Order
All regular and special meetings of the Faculty of Medicine shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
- The Dean of Medicine, or a member of the faculty designated by the dean, shall preside.
- The parliamentarian may act in an advisory capacity to the presiding officer in matters relating to interpretation of rules of order.
Section 7. Minutes
Minutes of each regular and special meeting of the Faculty of Medicine shall be kept and be available to the faculty by the secretary of the faculty.