On this page:
Member | Category | Term Ends June 30 |
Joanna Anderson, MLIS | Library Representative** | --- |
Jay Bernstein, M.D. | Vice Chair of Doctoring** | --- |
Eric Bennett, Ph.D. | Executive Committee – elected, basic science | 2025 |
Titus Chu, M.D. | Faculty-elected, clinical | 2025 |
Khalid Elased, RPh, PharmD, Ph.D. | Faculty -elected, basic science | 2024 |
John Folk, M.D., Ed.D. | Associate Dean of Medical Education** | --- |
Harminder Grewal, MBBS | Executive Committee – elected | 2026 |
Stephanie Johnson, M.D. | Foundations Subcommittee | 2025 |
Lisa Journell, Ed.D. | Assessment & Evaluation Subcommittee | --- |
Miri Lader, M.D. | Associate Dean of Student Affairs** | --- |
Jennifer Lee, D.O. | Faculty-elected, clinical | 2025 |
Cassandra Milling, M.D. | Doctoring Subcommittee | 2024 |
John Needles, MIS | MedIT — Medical Education** |
--- |
Marietta Orlowski, Ph.D., Chair | Executive Committee-elected, basic science | 2024 |
Chasity O’Malley, Ph.D. | Vice Chair of Foundations ** | -- |
Michael Schmidt, Ph.D. | Faculty -elected, basic science | 2025 |
Amber Todd, Ph.D. | Associate Dean for Accreditation and Quality Improvement** | --- |
Student Academic Representative 2nd Year |
2027 | |
Francesca Savona | Student Academic Representative 3rd Year |
2026 |
Carson Clark | Student Academic Representative 4th Year |
2025 |
Kristen Waters | Dual Degree Student Representative | 2025 |
(**) Not a voting member
(*) Student Voting Policies:
- At the beginning of each FCC meeting, the voting member from each class will be identified to the chair.
- *Each class receives a maximum of one vote per class. Dual Degree Reps receive one vote.
- If there are no representatives present from a particular class, there is no vote for that class (i.e. if there are three 2nd years and no 1st years, one of the 2nd years cannot vote for the absent 1st years.)
FCC Listserv
Please use the FCC Listserv to communicate with ALL FCC members: bsom-fcc@wright.edu
Committee Governance
Find Committee governance details in the Bylaws.
When: Fourth Wednesday of the month, 4 p.m.
Where: 260 White Hall, Medical Education Conference Room, unless otherwise notified.
FCC Agenda and Minutes on BAMS
Note: You will need to log in with your email address and password to view the documents
Meeting Coordinator
Lynn Compton
Medical Education
Course Evaluation Process
Subcommittee Membership
Foundations Subcommittee
The Foundations Subcommittee is co-chaired by the Vice Chair of Foundations and a module director. The FCC chair(s) shall designate one of the Foundations module directors as the co-chair of the subcommittee for a two-year term, renewable once.
Membership is composed of:
- Module directors, with one vote per module
- If module directors cannot be in attendance, a representative faculty member from the course’s steering committee should be present
- Student academic representatives for Years 1 and 2 Students, with one vote per class
- Dual Degree Rep votes with their corresponding matriculating class
- Associate and Assistant Deans from Student Affairs, with one vote
- Associate and Assistant Deans from Medical Education, with one vote
- Administrative staff from Medical Education and Student Affairs, without vote
Doctoring Subcommittee
The Doctoring Subcommittee is co-chaired by the Vice Chair of Doctoring and a clerkship director. The FCC chair(s) shall designate one of the Doctoring clerkship directors as the co-chair of the subcommittee for a two-year term, renewable once.
Membership is composed of:
- Clerkships directors with one vote per clerkship
- If clerkship directors cannot be in attendance, a representative faculty member from the clerkship’s steering committee should be present
- Student academic representatives for Years 3 and 4 Students, with one vote per class
- Dual Degree Rep votes with their corresponding graduating class.
- Associate and Assistant Deans from Student Affairs, with one vote
- Associate and Assistant Deans from Medical Education, with one vote
- Student Coordinator Representative, selected by the subcommittee chair, without vote
- Administrative Staff from Medical Education and Student Affairs, without vote
Assessment and Evaluation Subcommittee
The Assessment & Evaluation Subcommittee is chaired by the Director of Assessment & Evaluation.
Membership is composed of:
- Director of Assessment & Evaluation, chair, with one vote
- Assessment & Evaluation Coordinator, with one vote
- Director of Research Statistics, with one vote
- Associate and Assistant Deans from Medical Education, with one vote
- 2-3 Representatives from Foundations phase, with one vote each
- Selected by the subcommittee chair (minimum of one module director)
- 2-3 Representatives from Doctoring phase, with one vote each
- Selected by the subcommittee chair (minimum of one clerkship director)
- Student representative from each class, with one vote per class
- Selected by the subcommittee chair
Approved by FCC 7/27/22